The IPS is particularly known for maintenance of high standards of discipline and personal and group conduct by the students. Uncompromisingly regular teaching and insistence on full attendance is another hallmark of IPS. All students are expected to be dressed properly and behave decently, with courtesy towards all Institute staff, irrespective of rank and position.
Using of mobile phone inside the institute is prohibited. It may be confiscated, if seen. Without prejudice to generalities of power to enforce discipline, the following shall amount to act of gross indiscipline-
- Physical assault or threat to use physical force against any member (teaching or non-teaching) or the students of this institute and carrying or use of any weapon.
- Use or possession of Cigarettes, pan masala or other things like liquor, drugs or any such ‘banned item’ by any student is strictly prohibited.
- Willful destruction of institute’s property.
- Causing disruption of the academic functioning of the Institute.
- Any Practice whether verbal or otherwise, derogatory of women.
- Any attempt of bribing or corruption in any manner.
- Ragging, as per Ordinance XV-C
The College insists on 100% attendance for all sessions and the students are advised to be punctual in attending classes, examinations, submissions of assignments, unit papers etc. A faculty has right to deny attendance to any student who comes late to the classes and also to refuse to accept / downgrade a student for late submissions of assignments, etc. In case, the absence is for more than 25% in any course, the student will be debarred from appearing in Annual examination.
- Payment of the fees will be made at the time of admission.
- Fees payments are to be made by Demand Draft or Pay order in favour of Institute of Professional Studies, Ghaziabad, payable at Ghaziabad.
The library is primarily meant for faculty, students and administrative staff of the college. The rules are framed to help and promote rather than constrain the use of the library materials and services.
- The library will remain open every day except on Sunday and college approved holidays. The general timings of library are from 10 am to 5 pm with a lunch break of half an hour.
- Borrowing Entitlement Books can be borrowed only against library card issued to the borrowers. The card is not transferable and should be returned to the library authority at the time of leaving the college.
If the card is lost, the librarian should be informed of the loss immediately. On payment of Rs. 20/- a duplicate card will prepared within 10 days. Even though the library will be vigilant about the use of the “LOST CARD” by any one, the student to whom the card was issued will be ultimately responsible for the card and any loss to the library through the misuse of the card will be recovered from him / her.
- Regular Issue & Return
- Three books will be issued to a student at a time. Unless otherwise mentioned, books will be issued for a period of seven days. If however, a book, which has been borrowed by the student, is urgently required, the librarian may call back the said book from the student earlier then the due date. Books must be returned on or before the due date.
- If a book is not returned on the due date, the borrower will have to pay an over due charge at the rate of Rs. 5/- per day. The over due charges will be collected at the time of returning the book. The book will be returned only after clearing the over due charges. However repeated failure to return the books in time may lead to denial of borrowing facility for a period as deemed fit by the Librarian
- Before borrowing a book, the student should make sure that the book is in sound condition.
- In case the student loses a book, the librarian should be informed of the loss immediately. If the book cannot be traced out within two weeks, the borrower will be asked to pay the replacement cost of the book
- One time renewal of the book is allowed and for subsequent renewal, books are to be presented physically. Request for the renewal will be considered at the librarian’s discretion.
- General Rules
- Folders, Files, other personal belongings and issued books etc. should be kept on the shelf provided at the entrance at their own risk. The Library is not responsible for any loss or damage to the same.
- Library is strictly meant for reading and referring books, magazines, periodicals newspapers etc. Any activity other then this is strictly prohibited. Students are required to maintain the decorum & sanctity of library.
- Strict silence is to be observed in the Library. Any one who violates this rule will be asked to leave the library. No group studies in the library / Reading Room are permitted.
- Books or any other reading materials should not be taken out of the library without the permission of the Librarian.
- The Librarian may refuse library facilities to any student, who violates any of the above rules for a period as deemed fit.
- Suggestions for purchasing the books and for improving the library services are always welcome.
- The librarian is the competent authority to enforce the rules as deemed fit from time to time and oversees the normal functioning of the library.